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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Part time and voluntary jobs in Bangladesh: Can help?

Why doesn't have a special section only for part time jobs in Bangladesh? Or for voluntary jobs? Its obvious that focuses mostly on the full time job market openings as that is from where they make their revenue from, from the employers that is but I am sure a huge number of people, mostly students are eagerly looking for part time jobs around Bangladesh.

When you read the experience and skills requirements for job openings in Bangladeshi companies, you sometimes wonder if even Superman or Spiderman would have dared to drop their CVs through It would have been better if those job adverts would have also included the minimum bidding (or the bribing) amount for buying that post, if knowing a high-rank insider would have helped or not and facts like that. If job seekers, students don't even get easy information and access to part time jobs first, if they don't get part time exposure to management and business establishments, then how on earth would they even come close to the fancy wishlist employers fabricate and advertise through Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a lucky 'boro bhai' in a telecom or a bank to bag eventually an internship or some sort of a part time work, with the hope of turning it to a full time bread-earning source eventually. Still a large number of students and first time entrants to the already saturated Bangladeshi job market rely on neutral platforms of available information, of which is the pioneer. This unpriveleged segment also includes those who live outside urban cities and hope to get concrete, reliable employment information either in their district towns or in Dhaka city. But how many of them actually end up getting any part time job, let alone a full time one?

In a country where you have Abdul to do your grocery shopping, Quddus Mia to drive your car, Morjina Bua to do your cooking and Soniar Maa to do your landury, its very unlikely that you will need someone else to do part time jobs for you. I am sure Fahim Bhai would argue that in a country where even full time jobs are saturated, how can you seek a market for part time jobs? This is what also replied to a query related to part time jobs. However entrepreneurs seek and find opportunities during crisis. was never a game changing player in the job search market in Bangladesh, as they were the first mover in this case and they still hold the market leading position and they established the rules of the game. Those who followed suit in the forms of, etc. are mere look-alikes and don't offer any true value in comparison to If does not think seriously about how to promote and publicise part time jobs more, then it will be just a matter of time that someone with the brand say or could catch them napping in their complacency. The pretext that 'the concept of part time jobs is not popular in Bangladesh' is not convincing enough any more and we want to change the rules of the game now.

Four things to consider particularly.

1. Can redesign their website to have special sections on part time jobs only? Interestingly they have an article on this topic but that is pretty much about it.

2. Can come to any agreements with its clients (employers) that they would publish adverts for part time jobs with special discounts to encourage employers to think seriously about publicising part time jobs beyond company notice boards, emails/memos and word of mouth?

3. Can focus on voluntary jobs in Bangladesh? As we are a land of NGOs, I am sure many students, job seekers with a stronger social sense would love to be part of any social development company, for experience's sake. Voluntary jobs hold great value when mentioned in CV, as experience counts, not the fact that one worked for free. Many non-resident Bangladeshis also are interested to work in a voluntary role when they spend their vacations, term-breaks in Bangladesh. They mostly rely on information from friends, family. can play a good role here by being the reliable provider of information even before those Bangladeshis head back home to seek the voluntary role.

4. needs to look beyond Bangladesh too. Can it play any role in the job hunting of non-resident Bangladeshis? Certainly ethnic origins play little role in the global platform while getting a job, but there is no harm in making sure that I, as a Bangladeshi living abroad, get and give information to fellow Bangladeshis around me first and foremost...about job openings around me which might fit their profile. Community building is essential for Bangladeshis living abroad and this needs to be beyond political and religious affinities. The new bond should be based on economic terms, on jobs and opportunities.

It is agreed that creating more part time jobs is something that does not control as it depends solely on the employers and unless they have enough reasons, incentives to create part time jobs, can hardly do anything. Its just that they are in an influencing position as they interact with nearly all leading employers in Bangladesh. So they have enough ground under their feet to make a case for the part time and voluntary job seekers of Bangladesh. Hope they will do it before someone else does.


Anonymous said...

As you are questioning the fact, I must say that - it is perfectly questioned. From my experience, I was seeking very deadly for part time jobs and I never found one. Even if I found, the job was paying much less. So what I could do was to work for the western people. Through some freelancing sites I made some money by working part time. At last I utilized what I have learned from them. I opened a blog; which is my part time outsourcing way.
My Seo Blog

Anonymous said...

I hate the job companies who hate the fresh graduates. BD population = Russian Population, when Russia is the largest country in the world!
Still no one cares about population. Typical young people's sole intention to marry and produce a bunch of children. Even a rickshawala who can't eat regularly dreams to marry. What a marriage greedy public we have!

Sorry for diverting the topic.