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Friday, September 21, 2007

Teletalk, I want you to be the # 1

I still remember the dawn I waked up early to grab a Teletalk (bMobile) SIM. I won that in a lottery!

Those days are gone, I guess. Now a Teletalk SIM is available in a near by mobile store. When Teletalk was launched for the first time, we had a great many expectations regarding it. Some of our expectations were fulfilled by Teletalk. As for example, free incoming calls from BTTB Land phones, low-rated tariff etc. But there were some other expectations too, like robust network all over Bangladesh, low-rated VAS (Value Added Services) and a confident Customer Care System. These were not in the focus of Teletalk's concentration. I think these have made Teletalk gradually lose more of its valued customers.

Teletalk needs a strong business plan. It needs to hire experienced business personals in order to run the business as it should be running to stand against the other mobile operators. It must change the customary business plans it is following nowadays. It must develop some unique business strategies and execute them as per required to grab a larger market share in Bangladesh. It should never forget it has got our very government on its back. It must use all of our resources to make our only home-mobile-operator the best one.

Let me suggest some plans that may help Teletalk to gain a larger market share:
a. To review the call rates that match the expectations of the customers.
b. To bring a new package that matches the young folks of the country.
c. To start a package that will be best for the use of the rural people.
d. To start different VAS including MMS, Voice Chat, RBT and so on.
e. To start business solutions for the voice communication of the business people.
f. To take part in different social activities.
g. To sponsor different games and activities that reflects the expectation of the people of the country.
h. To conduct different surveys regarding services and expectations of the people.

If Teletalk starts business as I have cited in the former paragraph I think it will be bring a lot of intricacies for the other mobile operators to run their businesses. Then Teletalk can easily throw a great challenge towards the other mobile operators. They just need to set things on the right track.

In fine, I would like to suggest Teletalk to employ the best options to be the # 1 in your very own country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only these, Teletalk should make a whole digit tariff. For example Outgoing Call 2.00 Taka. It will include the price of making a call + VAT. We do not want any fractions! Anywayz, cool post.